The Venerable Archbishop Fulton John Sheen once exhorted, “Who’s going to save our Church? … It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes and the ears to save the Church…”

The founding members of Totus Tuus Apostolate found in these resonating words of Archbishop Fulton Sheen, a rallying call to foster our Lay vocation within the Mystical Body of Christ, to exercise the three-fold office of Priest, Prophet, and King by virtue of our post-baptismal mandate. Yet, in the midst of our strivings, we realise that even the greatest of human efforts and intentions are nothing without the help of God.

Prologue & Formation of Totus Tuus Apostolate

At the heart of Totus Tuus Apostolate lies the secret to all our apostolic and evangelical endeavours – The worship and contemplation of the August Sacrament of The Most Holy Eucharist. Our members are aware that the efficacy of the Apostolate's activities stems from the intimate gaze upon the crucified Christ in the mould of the Blessed Virgin Mary, espoused to the Holy Spirit, from whom all good inspirations and works flow.

In that little Host is the solution to the problems of the world.
— Pope Saint John Paul II

Inspiration of Pope Saint John Paul II

In the Apostolate, the constant striving to be “Saints of the New Millennium” (World Youth Day XV, 2000, Rome) fuels the hearts of our members. Inspired by the pontificate of Pope Saint John Paul II, we are convinced that only true holiness is able to reform the Church and society at large, drawing from the wisdom of Pope Saint Paul VI, who said "Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses." (Evangelii Nuntiandi, 41)

Anchored on the tenets of Truth, Reverence and Beauty, the Apostolate aims to proclaim Truth in Charity, offer God right worship due to Him, and reclaim Beauty in all its facets, especially in a world that no longer recognises authentic beauty.


The Totus Tuus Apostolate seeks to enflame the hearts of all Catholics to become ardent lovers of our Eucharistic Lord, nurtured and protected under the maternal mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary, so as to be zealous for the salvation of souls, and the promotion of holy vocations.


From humble beginnings as a Eucharistic Revival Movement hosting weekly Eucharistic Conferences, Solemn Adoration and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament, the Apostolate has since expanded and pivoted into spaces we never envisioned would become a reality. The first fruits of our ongoing labour include the formation of our Totus Tuus Schola and Altar Servers.

The Mission of the Totus Tuus Apostolate is to inspire all Catholics with a true yearning for holiness, a deep desire for daily conversion and an openness to their gifted vocation by the constant striving to give themselves entirely to Jesus Christ through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph, and Pope Saint John Paul II.

Early Days

“There is a Marian ‘style’ to the Church’s work of evangelisation.” (Evangelii Gaudium, 288)

Recognising the role of digital social networks in fostering what Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI referred to as ‘aurora’, the Totus Tuus Apostolate, inspired by Mary, the Star of the New Evangelisation, is fervently dedicated to sharing the Gospel with individuals for whom these existential platforms hold significance (47th World Communications Day, 2013, Rome).

This evangelistic and missionary drive has culminated in the establishment of our in-house Totus Tuus Podcast and Website, which serve as venues for the proclamation and witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, accessible from any location. Through these vibrant tools, the Apostolate aims to promote and disseminate all aspects of authentic Catholicism, while fostering forms of dialogue and expression that resonate with the highest aspirations of those involved in the communication process.

Evangelisation in the Digital World

We pray and hope that any person who walks through the doors of our Apostolate will be bestowed with the special grace to love Our Eucharistic Lord as Mother Mary does, both now and for all eternity.

Special Note: