Welcome Tara Sawney!

We are thrilled to introduce Tara Sawney as a new contributor to the Totus Tuus Apostolate.

Tara is a Second-Year Theology and Social Anthropology student at the University of Saint Andrews in Scotland.  Her interests lie in Theological Anthropology and the intersections between Religion and Culture.

Once an atheist, she encountered Christ profoundly in her first year of University, leading her to rediscover and embrace the Catholic Faith she was raised in. Moving away from the reactive, outrage-fueled forms of activism she once engaged in, she now hopes to compassionately yet ardently defend the Truth of the Gospel and the Holy Catholic Church.

Photo: Members from the Totus Tuus Apostolate sending Tara off at the Singapore Changi Airport to continue her studies in Scotland.

She is an Core Member of the Totus Tuus Apostolate as a Lead in Partnerships and Engagements, hoping to forge and bring like-minded Catholics together in the Church's Mission for the Salvation of Souls, and is actively serving in the Canmore Catholic Chaplaincy as a Committee Member.

Totus Tuus Apostolate

The Mission of the Totus Tuus Apostolate is to inspire all Catholics with a true yearning for holiness, a deep desire for daily conversion and an openness to their gifted vocation by the constant striving to give themselves entirely to Jesus Christ through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph, and Pope Saint John Paul II. Anchored on the tenets of Truth, Reverence and Beauty, the Apostolate aims to proclaim Truth in Charity, offer God right worship due to Him, and reclaim Beauty in all its facets, especially in a world that no longer recognises authentic beauty.


Welcome Grace Feltoe!